On Tuesday morning, May 21, 2019 I sat in the Associate Court room for the 360th Family Court in Tarrant County. Associate Judge Matt Riek was on the bench.
Judge Riek called a case, which was an Application for Protective Order filed by a mom against the dad. The dad told Judge Riek he could not afford an attorney and asked if the court could appoint him one.
Judge Riek denied the dad’s request.
The father pleaded with the judge. Judge Riek reset the date for a few weeks out and told the father he really needed to retain an attorney – even saying, “I will be very disappointed if you come back and don’t have an attorney” or words to that effect.
Twenty minutes later…
Judge Riek called another case, which was an Application for Protective Order filed by a mom against the dad. The dad told Judge Riek he could not afford an attorney and asked if the court could appoint him one.
At this time, Cynthia Gustafson chimed in and told the judge that because the Application for PO involved taking away a right of the litigant that there was a federal statute governing that he should have an attorney appointed to him.
Judge Riek approved the dad’s request.
Same Judge, Same Pleas, within the SAME HOUR, but Different Rulings.
The 2nd dad did not present any evidence. The 2nd dad did not make any claim that the 1st dad didn’t also make.
Same Judge, Same Pleas, within the SAME HOUR, but Different Rulings.
Judge Riek isn’t accountable to the public for his inconsistency and lack of knowledge because he isn’t elected.
(Update Oct 16, 2020: Judge Riek’s boss, Patricia Baca-Bennett IS elected and she has an opponent in the 2020 elections. Michael Munoz is running against her.)
Any we may never know the identity of the 1st dad because I didn’t write down the Cause number –
— and there is no record of what happens in the associate court.
Yep. Very disappointing for Riek to be so inconsistent. This is why Associate Judges should not eliminated. It is a social justice experiment that has failed.
We need more individuals to document and stand up. The only way to document in both cases is to audio and video in the Family Court courtrooms.
Fair and balanced. No favorites. Every litigant gets justice according to our Constitution by a elected judge. Call your Congressman and demand Audio/Video recordings and eliminate the Associate Judge position. There is a resolution to the Republican Platform being presented to the State Party in July. They need to support it by writing a bill and pushing it at the House and Senate levels in 2021.
As it so happens, I am well acquainted with Mr. Riek. There is no depth of dishonesty or inconsistency that would surprise me coming from that individual. He was a third rate lawyer before he became a third rate judge — which is an accomplishment in an area of law that is characterized by vagueness and indifference to what makes law anything more than arbitrary. In other words, he has found his professional home.
I can attest to the inconsistencies with Judge Riek and the leniency he’s given to my ex who is an alcoholic with two DWI convictions within a 2 year period, jail time, probation revocation, missing court, etc. My ex has gone through 4 attorney’s, they all withdrew due to his poor behavior, and Judge Riek now allows him to represent himself as well as disrespect the court, the Judge himself, me and the Attorney’s. My ex repeatedly interrupts, blurts out rude comments (loudly) and bullies me and the attorneys inside the court room. It’s as though the Judge is intimidated by my ex. Judge Riek has now allowed unsupervised overnight weekend visits with our son (alcohol is monitored during visits) and a week of overnights during the upcoming Christmas and Thanksgiving Holiday’s all with my ex confirming in court that he still consumes alcohol on a regular basis. He also has a suspended drivers license until January 2023, meaning he cannot drive our child anywhere during his overnight visits. I’m flabbergasted, to say the least. Hoping this thread can be reopened and more people will comment. It’s truly unjust practice in Court 360, Judge Riek.
I failed to mention the second failed alcohol test results that Judge Riek ordered were presented to him at the last hearing, he still allowed unsupervised over night visits and week long stays. He’s putting my child in danger with his flippancy and submissiveness.